Wednesday 30 August 2017

Long time, no update

It's been a good few years since I updated this blog... probably because my interests keep shifting between themes and genres of 1/6 figure collecting.

However, I recently produced two heavier weapons used by British soldiers during the Cold War years: the L16 81mm mortar and the 84mm Carl Gustav anti-tank weapon.

The mortar was built from a resin kit produced by a chap called Tommy Gough (not his real name).  While accurate and properly scaled it needed a little tidying up and painting/weathering to give it a more realistic appearance.
It's missing a couple of adjustment wheels - the supplied ones were cast in uncured resin and no matter what I did the paint wouldn't dry, so I need to make new ones.

The Carl Gustav was backdated from an old Hot Toys M3 version, as used by US forces at present.  I needed to backdate it to the M2 as used by the British Army from the 1960s to the 1980s.
It meant stripping the Hot Toys item back to the tube and then rebuilding, replacing and adding details as I went.
It turned out quite well.

Together with the mortar...

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Tommy Gunn Carl Gustav Anti-tank weapon.

A quick post as an update to a previous item. 

My Tommy Gunn Carl Gustav weapon arrived today. Despite the age it's in decent condition, though missing the support stand. 

The toy represents the M2 version issued to the British Army and used up to the early 1990s. 

As a toy it has a firing mechanism... you pull back on the pistol grip and a spring is released which would send the plastic round firing across the room to wipe out Barbie or Sindy... or your mate's Action Men.  
This will be removed, as will the fore-grip and support for the stand, as neither are particularly accurate in shape.  Moulded loops have to go, and the whole thing tidied up to hide seams, fill holes and repair cracks, of which there are a few.  

It should end up looking like this (from Wiki)...

The sighting mechanism needs some extra details, but is pretty close to the real one.

Overall, I'm very happy, and it's a good starting point for a larger piece of fire power... and again, inspiration from the old 1/32 Airfix box art... the chap nearest to us has he Charlie G ready to be fired at any oncoming Russian or East German armour...

More updates soon.

Saturday 25 October 2014

Royal Engineers - 1972: Mine Detecting

Back in the 1960s one of the Tommy Gunn accessory sets was a mine detector, including a sound box, headphones and some mines.  Unlike the original Action Man (ex GI Joe) one of the same period this was a non-working item... it was also reasonably accurate, being based on the then-current No4C Mine Detector.  Unlike earlier models this did not require a backpack... just the sound box with battery compartment that was worn on a belt.
(Action Man produced a wartime Royal Engineer set with a mine detector, but this was non-functional.)

This is the real 4C detector (photo from

The handle is telescopic and extends to roughly 4 feet, although the effective length is possibly only three feet since the arm-rest and handle take up a fair bit of the length.

The device was used by strapping the forearm into the arm rest at the end of the device and then using the folding handle to move the detector from side to side as the operator swept for buried mines.

The Tommy Gunn device wasn't that far off.  Simplified of course, but you can see what it's meant to be.

Sadly the area from the grip back snapped off, making it less than sturdy, so I have decided to rebuild the device and make it more accurate at the same time.

The figure who will be carrying the detector is this chap...

I may remove the kidney pouches, but it depends on where I want to depict him.  As far as the figure himself is concerned I couldn't really be happier... he turned out really well.  Well, he could do with some leather boots, but until New Line see fit to start producing their DMS boots again I have to modify Dragon PVC ones.

A parts breakdown:

Head:          Dragon in Dreams
Body:          Unbranded male
Hands:         Hot Toys

Shirt:            Dragon (Khaki)
Trousers:      Barrack Sergeant
Smock:        Barrack Sergeant
Boots:          Dragon (modified)
Puttees:        Dragon
Beret:           Banjoman (with Tony Barton Royal Engineers metal badge)
Face Veil:     Dragon
Webbing:      Barrack Sergeant

It's worrying how many of these figure projects of mine are being inspired by old Tommy Gunn sets.  Don't be surprised if an MP or a UN peace-keeper creeps into the mix.

(August 2017 edit: while the detector is on the back burner for now the figure has since been re-assigned).

1970s New Look Army

In 1966 the MOD trialled a new combat uniform.  The cut of the tunic was similar to that of the 1960 pattern jacket, but was produced in a new Disruptive Pattern Material (DPM) with matching trousers boasting two thigh patch pockets (later trousers had bellows pockets so the soldier could stuff more in).
In 1968 the jacket received some minor cosmetic changes but was essentially similar to the '66 version.
This uniform, with some minor alterations became the standard No8 Combat Uniform worn by infantrymen up to and including the Falklands War in 1982.

To represent a squaddie of the 1970s takes some planning and sorting out what's available in the 1/6 market.  Barrack Sergeant produced a '66 or '68 jacket in one of their Falklands sets, but no-one has produced correct trousers.  At the moment my squaddie wears later trousers, but as soon as my khaki thread gets here I will alter the pockets and add a field dressing pocket on the upper right front (in a similar location to the WW2 Battledress and 1960 Pattern trousers.

Here are some photos... representing a typical soldier kitted out for exercises either in Germany or in the UK.  His early L1A1 SLR has a Blank Firing Attachment at the tip, as even blanks can cause damage to fellow soldiers.

Parts breakdown as follows...

Figure:          TTL Male Body
Head:           DiD WW1 Tommy head
Hands:          Hot Toys

Shirt:             Dragon (khaki)
Trousers:       Dragon (yet to be corrected)
Smock:         Barrack Sergeant
Puttees:         Dragon
Boots:           New Line Miniatures
Face veil:       Dragon

57 Webbing Set:
Respirator Pouch:
                    Barrack Sergeant
Shovel:         Dragon
Helmet:         Blue Box (with new chinstrap)
L1A1 Rifle:  RMC (repainted and with Blank Firing Attachment fitted)

I'll update the post when I've made the changes to the trousers.

My inspiration for this figure was the box art on the old Airfix 1/32 Modern British Infantry figures...

(Photo from Airfix Tribute Forum)

I'm trying to get a Tommy Gunn Carl Gustav Anti-Tank weapon to add some oomph to my figures, as SLRs and Stirlings don't add much to the variety of kit our lads carried during the Cold War era.  As a toy it will need some work, but from what I can tell it's essentially accurate as far as the basics go.

*     *     *     *

As an aside, I was also lucky enough to win an Action Man 105mm L118 Light Gun.  While it looks okay at a first glance it has issues - wheels are too small, details are basic at best and, well overall it seems a little small.  It might end up being unused... I'm not sure whether it's worth the effort.

Saturday 18 October 2014

1960s Infantry NCO

In 1950 the British Army adopted a new combat uniform consisting of baggy trousers and a combat jacket in olive green material.  It was meant to be worn over the existing Battledress.
In 1960 a new version was issued, made of thinner material and of a nicer cut and this became the Army's standard combat uniform until the 1966 and 1968 DPM combat suits were developed.

Growing up in the 1970s I saw the uniform nearly every Saturday thanks to Doctor Who, since the troops of the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce (UNIT) wore it, with a khaki beret, '58 webbing and curiously anklets rather than puttees.

In 1/6 scale we have to improvise.  Following the advice of Tony Barton (master 1/6 modeller) I bought a Soldier Story M1951 jacket from the Korean War.  It is similar to the 1960 pattern jacket but not the same.

This is the jacket as sold...

The 1960 pattern jacket required buttons on the pocket flaps and fly front covering the zipper, new pockets added to the lower part of the jacket, and a press stud to keep the lower portion of the jacket closed since the zipper doesn't go all the way down on this one.

This was the result...

Ideally I should have removed the breast pockets and re-attach them at a slight angle.  I didn't trust my own sewing skills with that kind of job.  Maybe next time.

All that was left was to assemble the figure, arm him and add him to my collection.

Here is a parts breakdown:

Head:              Headplay Vinnie Jones
Body:              unbranded
Hands:            Hot Toys

Shirt:               Dragon in Dreams
Face Veil:        Dragon
Trouser:          Barrack Sergeant
Jacket:            Soldier Story (modified)
Puttees:           Dragon
Boots:             Dragon (modified)

'58 Web:        Dragon
Poncho Roll:   Barrack Sergeant
Helmet:           Blue Box (new strap and camo)
Sterling:          Dragon

I'll add sergeant stripes once I find a decent set of fabric ones.

Monday 29 September 2014

The L1A1 SLR in 1/6 scale

Back in the days of Action Man and Tommy Gun the standard British rifle was a modified version of the Belgian FN FAL, a 7.62mm automatic rifle with a 20 round magazine.  It was a long weapon with a wooden butt and fore grip, a flip-up rear sight and a folding carry handle.  When the Ministry of Defence got them they made numerous small changes to the FN, including removing the ability to be fully automatic, rendering it semi-automatic.  The resultant weapon was known as the L1A1 Self Loading Rifle... or just SLR as it became known.
By the 1970s the wooden parts had been replaced by pebble-texture plastic and the carry handle grip had been redesigned.

The rifle soldiered on until the end of the Cold War, some being seen in Kuwait during the first Gulf War in 1991.  This elegant rifle has now passed into history, like the era in which it was used.  However, it's 1/6 scale offspring are still around.

The first SLR in the scale was the one supplied in several Tommy Gunn sets, which was later copied and used for Action Man's British soldiers.  While it looked like the ubiquitous rifle, it was of course simplified, the carry handle was moulded closed down and the barrel was shorter and chunkier than it should be.

The rifle was moulded in brown as a single piece of plastic and painted with black details.  A green elastic sling completed the item.  Below is an Action Man version, but the Tommy Gunn one was identical.

As the Action Man line carried on into the '70s and '80s the SLR went with him, carried proudly by soldiers in what could only be called military-looking uniforms.  By the end of the run the toy had two large lugs fitted so that the holes in a piece of rubber could represent the sling.
And that was that.

In the 1990s 21st Century Toys started to produce 1/6 military figures, almost all of which were US subjects.  By today's standards they were crude and clunky, using plastic and elastic to represent webbing and pouches.  They were followed by the Chinese model company Dragon Models, who brought out a range of figures far superior in both the figure itself and the clothing/equipment.  As the range increased (with every variation of WW2 German soldiers) they expanded into modern figures... and eventually to the British.

In 2002 they produced a Falklands War paratrooper armed with a vast amount of equipment... and an SLR!
This was a thing of beauty... folding carrying handle, removable magazine, web sling with adjusters, and a thin barrel of the correct length.  Details were spot on and it looked right.
At the same time a UK based one sixth scale forum produced a limited edition British soldier from the Falklands War, again armed with an SLR.  I can't remember if this was metal or resin.
A third source of SLRs came charging in from the Far East, this time a Hong Kong based company called RMC, or Realistic Models Corp.  They offered a set of TWO SLRs, one later all-plastic version, and the earlier wooden-parts version.  These topped the Dragon one for detail and accuracy, and are now the most sought-after SLRs on the collector's market.  They came with several magazines, different sights and scopes, and two bayonets with scabbards.
Barrack Sergeant, also in Hong Kong offered the same RMC SLRs with their Falklands sets.  (I'm lucky enough to have two of the Dragon versions and one RMC one... I lost the other somehow.)

In 2012 Dragon brought out a new selection of Falklands War figures, only one being armed with an SLR (the others having the Stirling SMG, GPMG, US M16 rifle and a sniper rifle), which is also now hard to find at a reasonable price.

Back to the very first one and it seems that Tommy Gunn's original weapon is still around.  Furuta of Japan has produced a series of 1/6 scale weapons in blind boxes.  One of these is an FN FAL.
This, while not an exact replica of the Tommy Gunn and Action Man version was clearly based on it, and has itself been copied and sold in some spy and agent sets from China.

The Furuta version differs from the older one in having an even shorter barrel (cast in metal), a SECOND carry handle in addition to the folded one, a removable magazine and a sticking-up rear sight.  The trigger guard is thinner, but the grip is the same, as are the butt and fore grip.  It even omits the ejector port.  Below is the Furuta with the Action Man version for comparison.

And this is the gun taken apart (second grip broke off... oops)

Sideshow released a GI Movie figure armed with what appeared to be either an SLR or FN FAL, modified with a shorter barrel and strangely shaped butt... this photo from eBay shows the weapon.

Finally I thought I would show a proper SLR with the Furuta and Action Man versions... just to show how things have changed over the decades... and how the demands for accuracy have changed.  The Blank Firing Attachment on my RMC SLR is scratchbuilt, and I am in the process of repainting the wooden parts for more realism.